Tuesday 17 May 2016

Tuesday 17th May 2016

I have a busy month ahead invigilating for the GCSE's, I had an afternoon shift today and, after a beautiful sunny start, the heavens opened just as I got to my car.  It stopped by the time I got home so thought I had better take the opportunity to get outside.

The decision was made to turn left, mainly because the wind was in my face and I thought it might give me an extra push coming back.  It didn't. My first photo is a wild flower, much hated in the garden but a ray of sunshine in its own space, then as you can see, the Black Mountains were completely shrouded in cloud - what a different mood the weather can make to a scene. 

 On the return journey, you can tell I was going round the bend, literally. It's always interesting to see what's round the corner, even if I think I know the route I have noticed doing the walking each day how quickly hedges and the roadside grow. 

In one of the fields to the side of us, there are sheep and their lambs. Now they do seem to have grown quickly and it is such a joy to see the lambs play together and jumping straight off the ground.  One wet day, there seemed to be a lamb crèche with them all huddled together and just a couple of mums keeping watch. We discovered years ago when our children were small that the bleat of a lamb calling it's mum - and they do so a lot - sounds just like a child's cry. There were many occasions we sprung up to see to our girls and found them still sound asleep. Even though we had a baby monitor, it was very deceiving.

We noticed a couple of very clean sheep and it took us a quite a while to notice they had little horns and were goats.  I have been trying to get a good photo of them and have included the only ones I could get, taken a couple of weeks ago, with a camera that has a zoom option and was able to catch them munching on the hedge.

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