Friday 27 May 2016

Friday 27th May 2016

Today I had to be at the school early but the exam finished by 11:30am.  The school is situated in Peterchurch, where my younger sister runs a pre-school, so I took the opportunity to pay her a visit (and eat my lunch and have a cup of tea).  To fit in my 20 minutes, I parked the car and took a walk down by the church.

First, I passed the local pub with its welcoming sign 'Boots and 'Paws' Welcome'.

After the bustle of the school this morning it was very pleasant to be strolling in the sun and taking a fresh look at this village I had driven through many times.  The church sits at the end of a quiet lane, with its well-kept churchyard and tall steeple.

I had to take a second look at this jeep perched up on a stand, not quite what I expected to see at that moment! Walking closer, I could see it was on a garage forecourt so perhaps someone is working on its restoration.

There was a fun looking playground with some colourful rides and slides.  When my children were small it is very true they had plenty of garden and countryside to play in but most children do love a play park and those in the town have much more choice than those in the country.  My children and their friends considered it a big treat to be driven into the city to visit the swings and slides.  Our local village did eventually provide a small playground but my two were much too big by then.

I stopped on the way back to buy a sandwich and the most delicious loaf of bread from the well-stocked local shop.

Finally, and with its own photo, the pre-school my sister runs received an Outstanding in their Ofsted report. This is a huge achievement and we are all very proud of her hard work.

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